Thursday, April 12, 2012

Helpful things to know by the day of your rehearsal

Designate a contact person
 We know how precious your time is during your Rehearsal and Wedding Day. We don't want to bother you (Bride or Groom) with small details that may arise on your big day. We also realize (and no, it doesn't hurt our feelings) that you would rather see a family member, beautiful bridesmaid or trusted groomsman when a question does arise. So, please designate a contact so you may not have to see our "lovely mugs" so often ;)

Once you have entrusted that duty, make sure they know what their job will be and are comfortable with the responsibility. Introduce us to them the night of the rehearsal so we may gather any necessary information from them (mobile numbers are always helpful) and put-a-face-to-a-name.

Ushers, Reserved Signs and Special Seating
If you aren't using ushers but have special desires for who sits where during your ceremony, put some ribbon or reserved signs on the pews or chairs to signify they are held for closest family. This will make it easy for guests to see available seats and eliminates the stress of asking someone to move.
Traditionally, when looking at the ceremony  (whether it be taking place at an altar or under an arbor) the grooms side is to the right with the bride's side to the left. Ushers--typically close friends or groomsmen--help make guests feel special in finding seats for the ceremony. If there is no special seating wishes, a simple sign presents that message sweetly and gracefully.

Happy Planning!

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