Friday, August 31, 2012

What Side?

“What Side?” is the most common question we receive on rehearsal nights and the day of the wedding.

"What side does the bride and bridesmaids stand?"
"What side does the groom and groomsmen stand?"
"What side is the groom’s?"
"What side is the bride’s?" 
"Does it matter what side we sit on?"

All of these are great questions to ask us. Looking at the altar, the bride stands on the left and the groom stands on the right. Why? That is a great question. This tradition was established during medieval times when men carried swords. If the bride stood on the right side she would have blocked his sword, thus making it impossible for him to protect her. So the bride would stand on the left side and it has been that way ever since.
The next time someone asks you one of the above questions, go ahead and tell that small fact that has a huge impact on the wedding ceremony. If you forget, feel free to ask us! We are here to help.
Happy Planning!

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